Saturday, January 29, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Here goes....Day 1

I have gone back and forth on actually creating a blog and now I am finally doing it.  I decided to do it as one of my New Years Resolutions.  I think there is a little more accountability when you write it all out and "publish" it.  So this one had to be done before I could let the world (or at least my family memebers) know all my resolutions. 
So, I will put the list up soon.  I will leave you in suspense for a bit. 

First, I bet you are wondering about our Title.  I could not come up with something catchy so I called in the husband for his ideas and the first choice was "What's in the barn?" sadly that one was taken so he picked "What's in my barn?"  Not taken.  I was so excited because I read some sad stories of people trying to get names where they were all taken, but I think we did pretty good.
He said after each blog I could end with the revealing of an item you could find in our barn.  Now I have no worries about this ever ending because our barn is seriously full.

On that note - there is a 3 foot plastic elf living in my barn!